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Custom View folder in NancyFx

I want to use different folders other than Views with NancyFx. I've created a custom bootstrapper and it looks like:

using Nancy;

namespace MyBootstrapperTest
    public class CustomBootstrapper : DefaultNancyBootstrapper
        protected override void ConfigureConventions(Nancy.Conventions.NancyConventions nancyConventions)
            nancyConventions.ViewLocationConventions.Add((viewName, model, context)) => string.Concat("html/", viewName));

But Visual Studio is telling me that the overloaded function, ViewLocationConventions.Add, has invalid arguments. Am I missing something? I'm pretty new to Nancy, using Nancy self-hosting at version 0.21.1.


  • You're not closing the parenthesis properly. Also it could be convenient to clear conventions first:

    nancyConventions.ViewLocationConventions.Add((viewName, model, context) => 
        string.Concat("html/", viewName));