I have a web api project, and I have a HttpSelfHost server. I know that when using NancyFX you can use Nancy.Self.Host to host a server and then make calls to the API which extends NancyModule, I got 2 questions.
How does Nancy see the api module if its in a different project?
How do I implement the same idea without Nancy? the idea is:
having an API project, and having a server project, how could I run the server, and then send requests with the API routes?
any help\tip would be appreciated!
NancyFX can do that discovering all the assemblies in his working directory and looking for class who extend NancyModule through reflection. NancyFX use an IoC container to collect the modules.
I suggest you to check NancyFXcode on github especially the boostrapper and the Nancy Boostrapper who use TinyIoC as IoC container.
Looking that code you should be able to replicate the feature you need.
It can be you need less infrastructure to load classes dynamically. I suggest you to look at System.Reflection namespace. With that you can load assemblies dynamically and search the classes implementing a known interface or they have a known prefix.