I’m working on a project using Nancy on a Mac, and I’m editing my project using a standard text editor (Atom). I would like to use the Razor View Engine, and I’m trying to figure out how.
I included
Nancy.Viewengines.Razor": "1.3.0"
in the dependencies in my
project.json file
using Nancy.ViewEngines.Razor;
at the top of my HomeModule.cs
at the top of the View I would like to use Razor in
), which has an extension of .cshtml
But when I load up the project, I get the error:
Nancy.RequestExecutionException: Oh noes! ---> Nancy.ViewEngines.ViewNotFoundException: Unable to locate view 'task_added.cshtml' Currently available view engine extensions: sshtml,html,htm```
Is there anything else I should include for it to recognize .cshtml?
Got it to work! Unfortunately, the view engine is built on code that will not run on a Mac. This solution only works on Windows.
I added the following code to my configuration file (Startup.cs
), translated from the Razor Engine Wiki.
public class RazorConfig : IRazorConfiguration
public IEnumerable<string> GetAssemblyNames()
return null;
public IEnumerable<string> GetDefaultNamespaces()
return null;
public bool AutoIncludeModelNamespace
get { return false; }
The line @inherits
at the top of each View is also unnecessary.