I am creating my shop system for my game, and I'll use paypal as method of payment, and I have all finished logic, but I need to test calls to verify purchases, I researched and paypal provides a method to this "Sandbox accounts" which allows simulating a virtual PayPal accounts up here all right, now the problem is that my system is a little different to the example of the tutorial on how to use the sandbox calls account:Test Calls Tutorial
I am using this to send the payment information to paypal from my game:
public void DoPayment(PaypalItem _item)
//string itemName, string itemNumber, double price, string userName
if (!HasInfo)
Debug.Log("Dont have Info get");
StringBuilder url = new StringBuilder();
string mod_price = string.Format("{0:0.00}", _item._price).ToString().Replace(",", ".");
url.Append(serverURL + "?cmd=_xclick¤cy_code=" + this.Currency.ToString() + "&business=" + this.Email);
url.Append("&amount=" + mod_price);
url.AppendFormat("&item_name={0}", _item._itemName);
url.AppendFormat("&item_number={0}", _item._itemNumber);
url.AppendFormat("&custom={0}", _item._customer);
url.AppendFormat("¬ify_url={0}", this.NotifyUrl);
if (!ReturnUrl.Equals(string.Empty))
url.AppendFormat("&return={0}", this.ReturnUrl);
else if (!CancelUrl.Equals(string.Empty))
url.AppendFormat("&cancel_return={0}", this.CancelUrl);
the question is which part I need to modify to make the call to the sandbox account?
any help would be greatly appreciated.
It should work if you change the serverURL parameter to "https://www.sandbox.paypal.com", as denoted on the documentation available at https://developer.paypal.com/webapps/developer/docs/classic/lifecycle/sb_overview/ .