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SpriteBuilder timeline autoplay animation not running

I am trying to understand SpriteBuilder.

I am facing problem of autoplay animation; it behaves strangely. I am sure I am missing some steps.

It is running in one case while in other when I load the .ccb file it is not running.

How can I track why autoplay animation is not running in .cbb file when I load it? What am I doing wrong?

And in the same way, the code of

[self.animationManager runAnimationsForSequenceNamed:@"WaitingForOpponent"];

is also not working in the same way. though it works some time.


Actually, I found it; it stops working when I get invitation via Game Centre for playing game. In short, if I get UIAlertView from Game Centre all animations of sprite builder stops working. But I don't know how to tackle that situation.



  • Well i got the answer how you can achieve it, actually when you get Game centre Push Notification cocos2d: animation stopped ** message and after that you get message **cocos2d: animation started with frame interval: 4.00.

    but it is not actually starting animation

    what i did in applicationDidBecomeActive i put that code [super applicationDidBecomeActive:application];
    and it solved my problem :)