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Reading XML repeated tags in sql server

 Declare @MainXml XML = 
 '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 <cash number="10">
 <account amt="11.00" status="Closed"/>
 <account amt="12.00" status="Closed"/>                       
 <cash number="20">
 <account amt="21.00" status="Closed"/>
 <account amt="22.00" status="Closed"/>                       

I am reading data using following query

Declare @Innerxml xml; 
SELECT @Innerxml = T.c.query('<result>{/result/cash}</result>')
FROM   @MainXml.nodes('result') T(c)

Result.Claim.value('(./@number)[1]','varchar(max)') as C1,
Result.Claim.value('(./@amt)[1]','varchar(max)') as C2,
Result.Claim.value('(./@status)[1]','varchar(max)') as C3   
From @Innerxml.nodes('/result/cash/account') Result(Claim)

I want to read the xml and store in DB as below.

C1   C2     C3
10   11.00  Closed
10   12.00  Closed
20   21.00  Closed
20   22.00  Closed

but my query returns only NULL in C1 column Please help me here. Thanks in advance


  • You should not use the parent axis in XML queries in SQL Server. The query plan created will be O(n2). For every node in the XML all nodes in the XML is checked.

    First shred on result/cash and then shred on account in a cross apply.

    select C.X.value('@number', 'varchar(max)') as C1,
           A.X.value('@amt', 'varchar(max)') as C2,
           A.X.value('@status', 'varchar(max)') as C3
    from @MainXml.nodes('result/cash') as C(X)
      cross apply C.X.nodes('account') as A(X)

    I don't see the point of creating a second XML variable. Use @MainXML directly.