I have a project in my Organization of Programming Languages course and am building a web API using Racket. I have managed to get a server up and running that has multiple landing pages such as
I am new to Racket and have just used PHP in the past to handle GET parameter passing via the URL.
such as...
would be accessed by PHP with
$_GET[ 'num1' ] ;
How should this be done in Racket? I have not found anything in the Racket documentation that shows an equivalent method. My final intent is to pass JSON strings as the GET parameter JSON
localhost:8080/api/add/?json={ some json }
Ok so I found the solution in
essentially to get
localhost:8080/api/add/?json={ some json }
you would use
(bindings-assq (string->bytes/utf-8 "[field_name_here]")
(request-bindings/raw req))))
Now this answers my question but lets me run into exceptions when the binding searched for is not present, so I decided to take it an extra step and perform an existence check. In PHP I want to perform something like...
function get_param_as_string( $param ) {
if ( isset( $_GET[ $param ] ) )
return $_GET[ $param ] ;
return "" ;
So I created the racket procedure
(define (get-param->string req param)
(if (eq? #f (bindings-assq (string->bytes/utf-8 param)
(request-bindings/raw req)))
(bindings-assq (string->bytes/utf-8 param)
(request-bindings/raw req))))))
Now as in the case specified by the question of the url
localhost:8080/api/add/?json={ some json }
The following would retrieve the json GET variable if present or would return "" if missing. so...
(get-param->string req "json")
would result in...
{ some json }
localhost:8080/api/add/?tmp={ some json }
would result in...