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How to get a data from one php file and retrieve it in another php file

Raising a three years old question. How to get a user id from one php file and retrieve it in another php file

From my own experience I tried to get an id from one file to execute it in another to retrieve some data from another website. Whenever the page loads I could see the value in url on my browser but the value is returning empty when I tried to use it. Kindly check below what I have tried and suggest if there is a way I could do it with javascript or jquery or just do it with only PHP.


$aa = b.php;

$bar = 1234;

echo “<a href=$aa?$bar target=new window>”Click here”</a>”;



$foo = $_GET[$bar];

// this one returns empty. But bar is seen on the url as ?bar
echo $foo;


  • How u echo the anchor tag doesn't seems good to me, maybe more like:

    echo '<a href="'.$aa.'?bar='.$bar.'" target="new window">Click here</a>';

    You can access the value like:


    And you have to echo $foo and not $bar.