Trying to get a file export from a request which is in zip format. I want to download line by line since later I will be uploading to cloud storage and do not want to store the whole file in memory.
I tried the following:
with requests.get(export_url, stream=True) as response:
for file_name, file_size, unzipped_chunks in stream_unzip(response.iter_lines()):
for chunk in unzipped_chunks:
However I am getting the following error that I am not sure how to solve or what it means.
UnexpectedSignatureError: b'<htm'
Try this:
from stream_unzip import stream_unzip
import httpx
def zipped_chunks():
# Iterable that yields the bytes of a zip file
with'GET', '') as r:
yield from r.iter_bytes(chunk_size=65536)
for file_name, file_size, unzipped_chunks in stream_unzip(zipped_chunks()):
for chunk in unzipped_chunks: