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Find where a variable is defined in PHP (And/or SMARTY)?

I'm currently working on a very large project, and am under a lot of pressure to finish it soon, and I'm having a serious problem. The programmer who wrote this last defined variables in a very odd way - the config variables aren't all in the same file, they're spread out across the entire project of over 500 files and 100k+ lines of code, and I'm having a hell of a time figuring out where a certain variable is, so I can fix an issue.
Is there a way to track this variable down? I believe he's using SMARTY (Which I can not stand, due to issues like this), and the variable is a template variable. I'm fairly sure that the variable I'm looking for was initially defined as a PHP variable, then that variable is passed into SMARTY, so I'd like to track down the PHP one, however if that's impossible - how can I track down where he defined the variable for SMARTY?

P.S. I'm in Vista, and don't have ssh access to the server, so 'grep' is out of the question.


  • This sort of thing is the #1 reason I install Cygwin on all my windows machines.

    grep myvariablename `find project_dir -name "*.php"`

    I can't imagine programming without a working grep.