I want to create this generic wrapper for a bunch of modules I am writing. The wrapper should provide the ability to connect these modules to different type of NoCs without having to change the behavior of the inner modules.
I thought that one way to do this would be the following. Considering a very simple module to wrap:
module add #(
parameter COLUMN_WIDTH = 32
//data in
input logic [COLUMN_WIDTH-1:0] col_1,
input logic [COLUMN_WIDTH-1:0] col_2,
//data out
output logic [COLUMN_WIDTH-1:0] col_o
assign col_o = col_1 + col_2;
The wrapper should be the following:
module wrapper #(
parameter COLUMN_WIDTH = 32,
parameter WRAPPED_MODULE = add
//data in
input logic [COLUMN_WIDTH-1:0] col_1,
input logic [COLUMN_WIDTH-1:0] col_2,
//data out
output logic [COLUMN_WIDTH-1:0] col_o,
/* std signals */
input logic clk,
input logic reset_i // reset everything
logic [COLUMN_WIDTH-1:0] max_result;
) a(
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (reset_i)
max_result <= 0;
max_result <= (col_o > max_result) ? col_o : max_result;
The error I get is the following:
Error-[IND] Identifier not declared
wrapper.sv, 4
Identifier 'add' has not been declared yet. If this error is not expected,
please check if you have set `default_nettype to none.
Which makes sense since a parameter is not the same as a macro. A complete design should possibly instantiate a bunch of wrapped modules and I don't want to duplicate code by creating a wrapper for each inner module. How can I do that?
A parameter cannot be a module name. It can be a data_type, implicit data_type, or type
IEEE Std 1800-2012 § A.2.1.1 Module parameter declarations:
parameter_declaration ::=
parameter data_type_or_implicit list_of_param_assignments
| parameter type list_of_type_assignments
A workaround is to use a generate block and compare the value of the parameter.
module wrapper #(
parameter COLUMN_WIDTH = 32,
parameter string WRAPPED_MODULE = "add"
// ...
// ...
if (WRAPPED_MODULE=="add") begin
add #(.COLUMN_WDITH(COLUMN_WIDTH) ) a( .* );
else begin
// ...
// ...