I am trying to nest a class inside of another class in PHP, and display the data via HTML. I have a Question Class, and inside of that class, i create a User object. The user object contains the information for the user who created the question. For some reason, I am getting "( ! ) Fatal error: Cannot access private property Question::$user" in my output. Nothing that I can tell is private that would be preventing me from pulling the data. Here is a bit of code:
class Question extends Model {
private $user;
private $content;
private $title;
private $tags;
private $date;
public function __construct($user, $content, $title, $tags, $date) {
$this -> setUser($user);
$this -> setContent($content);
$this -> setTitle($title);
$this -> setTags($tags);
$this -> setDate($date);
public function getUser() {
return $this -> user;
public function setUser($user) {
$this -> user = User::findUser($user);
return $this;
Then this is my User class:
class User extends Model {
private $email;
private $password;
private $fname;
private $lname;
public function __construct($email, $password, $fname, $lname) {
$this -> setEmail($email);
$this -> setPassword($password);
$this -> setFname($fname);
$this -> setLname($lname);
The functions that create the question and user objects are as follows:
private static function makeQuestionFromRow($row) {
$question = new Question($row['user_id'], $row['quest_Content'], $row['quest_Title'], $row['quest_Tags'], $row['quest_DatePosted']);
$question -> id = $row['quest_ID'];
return $question;
private static function makeUserFromRow($row) {
$user = new User($row['user_email'], $row['user_pwd'], $row['user_fname'], $row['user_lname']);
$user -> id = $row['user_id'];
return $user;
And both are subclasses of Model:
class Model {
protected $id;
public function __construct() {
public function getId() {
return $this -> id;
I am trying to display the user's first and last name, and make it a link to the user page, which views the user info. So my code to do that is:
<b>Date Posted: </b>{{date("m/d/Y", strtotime($question->getDate()))}} by <a href="@@user/view/{{$question->user->getId()}}@@"> TEST</a> <br /><br />
The date code comes out correct, however the user id is not coming out and linking to "test" above. I'm not sure if I am doing something syntax wrong or what. If someone could help me out, I would appreciate it.
This is homework. Not trying to get over on anyone. Thanks again.
Instead of calling $question->user
in your template, you need to call $question->getUser()
. Learn about visibility in PHP for more information.