Search code examples

SSRS Multiple Column

I am new to this SSRS. I have a record like this:

Table         Denomination  ResultType Quantity

A1             1.00           FC          5
A1             1.00           FR          10
A1             2.00           FC          21
A1             2.00           FR          23
A1             5.00           FC          11
A1             5.00           FR          16
A2             1.00           FC          15
A2             1.00           FR          20
A2             2.00           FC          25
A2             2.00           FR          26
A2             5.00           FC          10
A2             5.00           FR          17

I am only able to do 1 part using matrix. I'd tried using pivot too but due to the denomination is a dynamic field.

Denomination  1.00 2.00 5.00 
------------  ---- ---- ----   
  A1            5   21   11    
  A2            15  25   10   

I want to populate something like this using tablix instead.

                  FC         |  FR
Denomination  1.00 2.00 5.00 | 1.00 2.00 5.00
------------  ---- ---- ----   ---- ---- ----
  A1            5   21   11     10   23   16
  A2            15  25   10     20   26   17 

Thank you.


  • It might be a little late to help you but...

    You should be able to do this be creating a matrix (tablix in BIDS 2005) with Table(? - the field with your A1, A2 data) as the Row Group and Denomination as the Column Group.

    Then in the Column Groups, click on the Denomination group down arrow and Add Group->Parent Group and Group By ResultType. This will add the extra layer to the columns by FC and FR in your last example.