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SSRS Report table formatting

I've been trying to get the grouping down for this report to show the location above each of the invoices for the different locations, but I can't get it to show every item in the invoice and every location at once, it's one or the other.

Where the 595 sits is what I am trying to recreate but I can't find the right grouping.

Anyone know how to group it with the name and the invoice number to show what I'm describing?

I've tried grouping the invoice to the customer's name and vise versa.


  • From your description, it sounds like you may be including the name and location in the Detail row. When a field is in a Parent or Child Group above the Details, there is usually no need to include it also among the fields in the detail row.

    If you want to, you can combine more than one field in a group. In Group Properties, you can do something like this:

    Example of using two fields in a Group