We have two tables in our report and the logic should be as follows:
if we click on the table to see the filter it looks as follows
the expression reads: =mid(Fields!perf_code.Value,3,1)
where the third character in our perf code is G then return that row here.
what we need to do is say where the third character in our perf code is in G or V then return the rows.
I've tried to make it look like this
and like this
and like this
none of it seems to be working. I don't know how to say if the perf code (3 character) is in multiple values in our case G or V then return the row. I have a second output set/tablix where the value should be not <> or not in and that too isn't working.
In short, we need to return all the rows where the 3 character equals multiple possible things, I need to be able to identify all of those values.
Thank you.
Try setting the filter expression to
= (MID(Fields!perf_code.Value,3,1) = "G" OR MID(Fields!perf_code.Value,3,1) = "V")
Then set the Operator to =
And finally set the filter expression to value to =True
. You need to click the [fx]
And then set the expression to =True