I'm trying to create a 4-bit ALU in Verilog that does multiplication, addition, BCD addition and concatenation. Here's my code so far:
module alu4bit(A,B,S,Y);
input [3:0] A, B;
input [1:0] S;
output [7:0] Y;
reg [7:0] Y;
wire [7:0] A0, A1, A2, A3;
multiplier4bit mod3(A,B,A3);
always @ (A,B,S)
case (S)
// 2'b00:
// 2'b01:
// 2'b10:
2'b11: Y = A3;
When trying to run a testbench setting S=3 for my multiplier and A=5, B=5, I get red lines with XXXXX for output. I think it has something to do with how I set up the outputs for the submodules. Should A0-3 be wires? I wish I had an error message to go by, but I'm kind of stuck at this point.
If you want your mux to be sensitive to the A3
signal, you need to add it to the sensitivity list:
always @ (A,B,S,A3)
Consider simplifying this to:
always @*
Refer to the IEEE Std 1800-2012, section " Implicit event_expression list".