Using the okta API, we're trying to display a simple staff directory. Basically we want to list all active users in a particular group on a web page.
Seems like it should be super simple.
If I use the user endpoint, I can get all users and filter by status to be active, but I can't seem to filter by group.
If I use the group end point, I can get all users in a group, but I can't seem to filter by status.
How should I be going about this?
Edit: Added my api calls
method 1
$filters = 'status eq "ACTIVE"';
$c = curl_init("".urlencode($filters));
method 2
$c = curl_init("");
Unfortunately, this is not possible in the current version of the Okta API. As you've surmised, you can either GET all users with an ACTIVE status and then iterate through them to get the groups for each user or GET all users for a specific group and manually filter by status.
The latter method may be preferable because it will amount to fewer calls (assuming there are more users than groups).