I am new to study Unity3d game development, I have one GameObject so called GameManager, and GameManager.cs has been added to it. Like this:
snip of GameManager.cs, I got null exception when I run:
public void DisplayTileGrid() {
tiles = new List<MatchItem> ();
for (int x = 0; x < TileData.tileWidth; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < TileData.tileHeight; y++) {
int type = (int)cells[x, y].cellType;
string spriteName = sprites[type - 1];
GameObject instance = NGUITools.AddChild(grid, matchItemPrefab) as GameObject;
instance.GetComponent<UISprite>().spriteName = spriteName;
instance.transform.localScale = Vector3.one * cellScale;
instance.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(x * cellWidth, y * -cellHeight, 0f);
MatchItem tile = instance.GetComponent<MatchItem>();
tile.target = gameObject;
tile.cell = cells[x, y];
tile.point = new TilePoint(x, y);
Seems it is failed to add my matchItemPrefab here:
GameObject instance = NGUITools.AddChild(grid, matchItemPrefab) as GameObject;
, and instance.GetComponent() returned null.
Why doesn't instance object have MatchItem? Can anyone help?
I find that the root cause is I didn't add the MatchItem.cs to my prefab, now the null exception is gone.