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RDF file to excel-readable format

I downloaded an rdf file of the format .ttl - I am new to RDF and I am trying to see if I can get the data in a simple txt/csv format of some sort. Does anyone know how to do this?


  • RDF has a very simple data model: it's just subject predicate object. You can see this by converting your file to n-triples:

     $ rdfcopy myfile.ttl # apache jena
     $ rapper -i turtle myfile.ttl  # rapper (part of librdf)

    But this is limited. Suppose you start with the nice looking turtle file:

     @prefix ex: <>
     <Brian> ex:age 34 ;
             ex:name "Brian Smith" ;
             ex:homepage <> .
     <Delia> ex:age 45 ;
             ex:name "Delia Jones" ;
             ex:email <mailto:[email protected]> .

    The result is:

    <file:///tmp/Delia> <> <mailto:[email protected]> .
    <file:///tmp/Delia> <> "Delia Jones" .
    <file:///tmp/Delia> <> "45"^^<> .
    <file:///tmp/Brian> <> <> .
    <file:///tmp/Brian> <> "Brian Smith" .
    <file:///tmp/Brian> <> "34"^^<> .

    In other words everything is reduced to three columns.

    You might prefer running a simple sparql query instead. It will give you tabular results of a more useful kind:

    prefix ex: <>
    select ?person ?age ?name
    where {
        ?person ex:age ?age ;
                ex:name ?name .

    Running that using apache jena's arq:

    $ arq --data myfile.ttl --query query.rq 
    | person  | age | name          |
    | <Delia> | 45  | "Delia Jones" |
    | <Brian> | 34  | "Brian Smith" |

    which is probably more useful. (You can specify CSV output too by adding --results csv).

    (The librdf equivalent is roqet query.rq --data myfile.ttl -r csv)