I develop Web Player application. In scene i have some 3d model (example: box). In runtime i upload *.png image an use this image on Decal to my car. I use this package: https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/13889 for Decal System. I Editor work fine, but in runtime i can't use my picture in decal System. task: need at any time replace a picture and it becomes a good in Decal System. Please help me. Thanks!
public GameObject decal;
public Material mat;
Texture2D texTmp;
Sprite spr;
string settingsContent;
string[] settingsSplit;
int texWidth,texHeight;
void Awake()
IEnumerator DownloadSettings()
WWW www = new WWW("http://585649.workwork.web.hosting-test.net/Logo1/settings.txt");
yield return www;
settingsContent = www.text;
settingsSplit = settingsContent.Split('\n');
if (www.isDone)
texWidth = int.Parse(settingsSplit[1]);
texHeight = int.Parse(settingsSplit[2]);
texTmp = new Texture2D(texWidth,texHeight);
IEnumerator DownloadLogos()
WWW www = new WWW(settingsSplit[0]);
yield return www;
if (www.isDone)
spr = Sprite.Create(texTmp, new Rect(0, 0, texTmp.width, texTmp.height), Vector2.zero, 100);
spr.texture.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;
mat.mainTexture = spr.texture;
Color clr = new Color32(255,255,255,255);
clr.a = float.Parse(settingsSplit[3]);
mat.color = clr;
decal.GetComponent<Decal>().material = mat;
decal.GetComponent<Decal>().sprite = spr;
I understood. Thank you all!
public Decal decal;
public Material mat;
Texture2D texTmp;
Sprite spr;
string settingsContent;
string[] settingsSplit;
int texWidth,texHeight;
float sizeX, sizeY;
void Awake()
IEnumerator DownloadSettings()
WWW www = new WWW("http://sitesman.com/logotypes/Logo1/settings.txt");
yield return www;
settingsContent = www.text;
settingsSplit = settingsContent.Split('\n');
if (www.isDone)
texWidth = int.Parse(settingsSplit[1]);
texHeight = int.Parse(settingsSplit[2]);
texTmp = new Texture2D(texWidth,texHeight);
if(texWidth > texHeight)
sizeX = texWidth / texHeight;
sizeY = 1;
else if (texWidth < texHeight)
sizeX = 1;
sizeY = texHeight / texWidth;
sizeX = 1;
sizeY = 1;
float multipier = 1;
if(settingsSplit[4] != null)
multipier = float.Parse(settingsSplit[4]);
decal.transform.localScale = new Vector3(sizeX*multipier,sizeY*multipier,2f);
IEnumerator DownloadLogos()
WWW www = new WWW(settingsSplit[0]);
yield return www;
if (www.isDone)
spr = Sprite.Create(texTmp, new Rect(0, 0, texTmp.width, texTmp.height), Vector2.zero, 100);
spr.texture.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;
mat.mainTexture = spr.texture;
Color clr = new Color32(255,255,255,255);
clr.a = float.Parse(settingsSplit[3]);
mat.color = clr;
decal.material = mat;
decal.sprite = spr;
GameObject go;
private GameObject[] affectedObjects;
private void BuildDecal(Decal decal)
MeshFilter filter = decal.GetComponent<MeshFilter>();
if (filter == null) filter = decal.gameObject.AddComponent<MeshFilter>();
if (decal.renderer == null) decal.gameObject.AddComponent<MeshRenderer>();
decal.renderer.material = decal.material;
if (decal.material == null || decal.sprite == null)
filter.mesh = null;
affectedObjects = GetAffectedObjects(decal.GetBounds(), decal.affectedLayers);
foreach (GameObject go in affectedObjects)
DecalBuilder.BuildDecalForObject(decal, go);
Mesh mesh = DecalBuilder.CreateMesh();
if (mesh != null)
mesh.name = "DecalMesh";
filter.mesh = mesh;
private static GameObject[] GetAffectedObjects(Bounds bounds, LayerMask affectedLayers)
MeshRenderer[] renderers = (MeshRenderer[])GameObject.FindObjectsOfType<MeshRenderer>();
List<GameObject> objects = new List<GameObject>();
foreach (Renderer r in renderers)
if (!r.enabled) continue;
// if (!IsLayerContains(affectedLayers, r.gameObject.layer)) continue;
if (r.GetComponent<Decal>() != null) continue;
if (bounds.Intersects(r.bounds))
return objects.ToArray();