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AS3 Flash - Error #2007: Parameter hitTestObject must be non-null

I'm using Flash to create a platform game and i'm just trying to add an if statement with hitTestObject in to trace some words but when i hit platforms but I keep getting the error "Parameter hitTestObject must be non-null".

Here's my code:

public var jon: Player; 
public var platforms:Platform;

public function gameloop(Event)
        //applying gravity
        jon.y += gravity;

        //adding movement
        if (moveLeft == true)
            jon.x -= xspeed;
            jon.scaleX = -1;

        if (moveUp == true && isJumping == false)
                isJumping = true;
                jon.y -= yspeed;

        if (moveRight == true)
            jon.x += xspeed;
            jon.scaleX = +1;

        //adding collisions for platforms   **NOT WORKING**
            trace("hello i am working");


  • The error indicates that platforms is null.

    Neither jon or platforms is created in the code you posted, I'm guessing these are timeline symbols? Make sure you have given a symbol the name platforms in your timeline, and make sure it exists on the frame that gameloop is added.