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header buttons are square rather than rounded

I was expecting my buttons in the header to be rounded, but instead they are coming out square. See the home button in the screenshot:

enter image description here


#main {
   text-overflow: ellipsis;
   overflow: visible;
   white-space: normal;
a {
    text-decoration: none;
.ui-header .ui-title {
    overflow: visible !important; 
.ui-header {
    min-height: 40px;

The snipped of html declaring the header:

  <div data-role="page" id="settings">
       <div data-role="header" data-position="fixed">
          <a href="#home"  data-icon="home" data-iconpos="notext">Home</a>

I was expecting to see buttons round similar to these:

enter image description here

Any pointers appreciated ...


  • The problem was due to this line in my code:

    $('a').buttonMarkup({ corners: false });

    Removing that fixed the problem :$