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Temp table in PDW disappears after 1st execution

I am connecting to a PDW (Parallel Data Warehouse) 2012 database using a Visual Studio 2008 Server Explorer Data Connection and related Query Designer (not an ideal combo I know).

If I run all three statements below at once, I get results:

    create table #diagnosis_condition (dx_code varchar(4), condition_code char(3)) WITH (LOCATION = USER_DB)
    insert into #diagnosis_condition (dx_code,condition_code) values ('J45','AST')
    SELECT * FROM #diagnosis_condition

    Results: J45    AST

If after this I delete the "create" and "insert" lines from my query window and re-execute the "select", I get an error:

SQL Execution Error.   
Executed SQL statement: SELECT * FROM [#diagnosis_condition]  
Error Source: .Net SqlClient Data Provider  
Error Message: Invalid object name '#diagnosis_condition'.

If I do the same thing in SQL Server Management Studio with a non-PDW database connection, the temp table persists and I get the same results again.

Why does my Visual Studio PDW connection behave differently? Is this a PDW issue or a Visual Studio Query Designer issue or a user error?? I want to persist the temp table (with more rows of course) so I can run my subsequent code in chunks without recreating the table every time. I’m not new to SSMS but am new to PDW and VS so I may be missing the obvious. Thanks for any help!


  • I don't have a copy of VS2008 handy, but in VS2013 there is a setting under Options-> Sql Server Tools -> Transact-SQL Editor -> Query Execution -> Advanced that says Disconnect after the query executes.

    I'll bet your VS installation has its equivalent option set.