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wysihtml5 bootstrap3-wysiwyg font size and <p> to <br>

I use bootstrap3-wysiwyg based on wysihtml5

I seek solution for

  1. On "Enter" key insert "br" not "p"

  2. Button for change font size with input value


    1. Use 'br'
    $("#TextContent").wysihtml5({useLineBreaks: true, ...})
    1. Font-size
      var myCustomTemplates = {
        custom1: function (context) {
            var s = ""
            s += '<li class="dropdown">';
            s += '<a class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" tabindex="-1" aria-expanded="false">';
            s += '<span class="current-color">Size</span>';
            s += '<b class="caret"></b>';
            s += '</a>';
            s += '<ul class="dropdown-menu" style="margin-top: 0px;">';
            s += '<li><a class="fontSize" data-wysihtml5-command="fontSize" data-wysihtml5-command-value="fs5">5px</a></li>';
            s += '</ul>';
            s += '</li>';
            return s;
                customTemplates: myCustomTemplates,
                "stylesheets": ["~/Content/wysiwyg/editor.css"]


    .wysiwyg-font-size-fs5 {
        font-size: 5px;