I am using Bootstrap wysiwyg5 editor as a part of a form.
This text area happens to be a required field(should not be empty). I want to validate if the user has entered any value on to this field or not. I see that Bootstrap wysiwyg uses a Iframe to display the content. I tried to access the content of the iframe's body in jQuery by doing this:
but failed.
My question is: How do I check if the user has entered some text in this Bootstrap wysiwyg textarea
. Please help me out.
PS: I saw this question, but it was not very helpful.
I know the question is old, but maybe help somebody looking for this..
To make the JQuery Validation work with WysiHtml5, just set the plugin to not ignore hidden textareas:
ignore: ":hidden:not(textarea)",
rules: {
WysiHtmlField: "required"
submitHandler: function(form) { ... }