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drop event on textareas / WYSIHTML5 editor

Any idea how to listen to/hook drop event to the WYSIHTML5 editor?

The thing I want is... I have wysihtml5 and under it images uploaded by the user(as seen in the attachment), when I drag and drop one of the imags to the wysihtml5, it inserts it(which I suppose is just a default feature of the browser, just as when you drag any link to any textarea/text input), but with the same src as the source image was, and that's the thumbnail resolution, and I'd rather want something bigger. So I thought I'd hook up a drop event and get the image source from, say, data-big-src attribute of the thumbnail.

I tried

editor.on("drop", function() {

where editor was instance of wysihtml5, tried to add listener to the original textarea as well, none of it worked/fired, any tips?

enter image description here

// edit paste / paste:composer

is probably what I'm looking for, but it doesn't return the dropped object....


  • So even with paste event, I wasn't able to do anything, so I had to hack my way around, which meant changing inside of dom.observe(element, pasteEvents, function()) function, specificaly what I had to do was


    if (dataTransfer && browser.supportsDataTransfer())


    if (dataTransfer && browser.supportsDataTransfer() || dataTransfer && $(dataTransfer.getData("text/html")).is("img"))

    because apparently firefox return false to browser.supportsDataTransfer() function

    then change inside of if(data) to

      if (data) {
        if ($(data).is("img")) {
            var _myImgElement = $(data);
        } else {
            that.commands.exec("insertHTML", data);
      } else {
        setTimeout(function() {
        }, 0);

    in which I test if the element being inserted is actually image, then get its data-src attribute, which contains url to my full size image and then exec the insertImage command..

    It's very clunky though, it will break when I update wysihtml5 to latest version etc, can we have some sort of api for this? Or is there already and I didn't figure it out.