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Cursor: pointer; on svg element is not working

In my website i use svg elements. Sometimes i need them to be clickable, therefore i want pointer cursor over them.

However adding css class or style

cursor: pointer;

not work.

That's the example element

<object id="male2" type="image/svg+xml" data="course/ani/male2.svg" style="left: 87px; bottom: 56px;" es-character="male2"></object>

It seems like it just not worki with svg. Anyone know how to fix, or how to go around it?


  • As AmeliaBR's comment indicates, you should add this style inside the SVG <object>.

    And unless your SVG is very simple, you may have the same issue I had: only seeing a pointer when you are hovering over one of the shapes in the SVG, but not when you're between shapes.

    (In some cases you might want that behavior, but for a wordmark, for example, you typically want the whole rectangle to be clickable, not just the individual letters.)

    To make the whole rectangle clickable, add svg { cursor: pointer; }. If you just want specific elements clickable, name them by class:

    <svg ...>
        svg { cursor: pointer; } /* whole rectangle */
        /* OR */
        .element-name { cursor: pointer; } /* specific elements */