I'm trying to implement "fog-of-war" in a mapping tool I'm developing.
For each grid cell, if a cell is "fogged", the color is set to grey multiplied by the cell's current color. Otherwise, the cell color is set to whatever color the cell normally should be.
Below is my draw
for x = 0, (self.gridSize - 1) * self.scale, self.scale do
for y = 0, (self.gridSize - 1) * self.scale, self.scale do
local mouseX, mouseY = camera:mousepos()
local curCell = self:getCell(x, y, true)
local state = Grid:getState(x, y, true)
if fog and curCell.fogged then
local color = multiplyColors(curCell.color, {100,100,100,10})
color[4] = 150
if curCell:getState() == 1 then
love.graphics.setColor({100, 100, 100, 100})
love.graphics.rectangle('fill', x, y, self.scale, self.scale)
elseif math.floor(mouseX / self.scale) == math.floor(x / self.scale) and math.floor(mouseY / self.scale) == math.floor(y / self.scale) then
love.graphics.setColor(255, 0, 0, 30)
love.graphics.rectangle('fill', x, y, self.scale, self.scale)
elseif state == 1 then
love.graphics.rectangle('fill', x, y, self.scale, self.scale)
elseif state == 0 and self.bGridLines then
love.graphics.setColor(100, 100, 100, 10)
love.graphics.rectangle('line', x, y, self.scale, self.scale)
And here's the multiplyColors
function multiplyColors(c1, c2)
local newColor = {}
newColor[1] = math.floor((c1[1] * c2[1]) / 255)
newColor[2] = math.floor((c1[2] * c2[2]) / 255)
newColor[3] = math.floor((c1[3] * c2[3]) / 255)
return newColor
While this creates an okay-looking effect, I need the ability to set the fog opacity.
For example, if I change the line color[4] = 150
to color[4] = 255
, the desired output should be something like this instead of what I actually get when changing that line. Likewise, changing the line to color[4] = 0
yields this (which admittedly looks sorta neat) instead of something like this.
Here is a link to the complete repository: https://github.com/camdenb/DnD-Map-Creator
An easy way to get different opacity levels in your fog would be to draw the fog over the whole screen by writing outside your loops:
love.graphics.setBackgoundColor(100, 100, 100) -- fog, everywhere
Afterward, if a cell is foggy then draw it with a lower alpha value to expose the fog underneath.
if fogged and curCell.fogged then
local c = curCell.color
-- you can change 100 for various amounts of fog
-- 0 means all fog and 255 means no fog
love.graphics.setColor(c[1], c[2], c[3], 100)
-- more code to draw...
You may want to experiment with different blend modes. The LÖVE wiki has a few examples to get different effects when blending the fog background with the cells being drawn over top.