I am trying to set the initial value in a Wijimo Autocomplete control which has been loaded from an external data source. The scenario being a form is used to create some new data and then is saved. Subsequently the data needs to be edited so it is reloaded into the form.
I can successfully use the Autocomplete on the initial form - the source list is a JSON Array of objects which is loaded into the controller. The app is using UI Router so I resolve this first.
When I save the data I serialise the selected Object from the Autocomplete control and is then saved to a Mongo DB store. When loading this data back in it is converted back to an object.
This is what the control looks like:
placeholder="Airline Code"
An example of the source list looks like this:
"Airline":"Southwest Airlines",
"Title":"WN - Southwest Airlines"
So when the form is initially created the controller property selectedAirline is correctly set with the selected Object.
So this works fine in the save function:
$scope.formData.selectedAirline = JSON.stringify($scope.selectedAirline);
But when reloading in the data:
AirlineInfoFactory.loadAirlineInfo($scope.reference).then(function success(response) {
$scope.selectedAirline = eval('(' + response.data.selectedAirline + ')');
$scope.information = response.data.information;
$scope.dataLoaded = true;
The autocomplete control does not bind to the selectedAirline property.
I tried using the selected-index attribute on the directive so see if I could just change it to something when the data loads but it doesnt work either. I suspect its to do with the digest loop but I am not sure.
Any ideas?
I tried to replicate the scenario by reloading the data and setting the selectedAirline property and it works well withe latest version 32. Here is the fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/n1kpkcud/2/
` $scope.countries = initialList;
$scope.selectedAirline = '';
$scope.setItem = function () {
$scope.countries = reloading;
$scope.selectedAirline = 'Yemen';
I would suggest you to update this fiddle so that it replicates the issue and I can suggest you accordingly.