I have this code (tsp problem) that works for the 2-opt optimization and i'd like to change it for a 3-opt optimization. I know i must add a for, but don't really understand the range of the third for. Can you help me?
double bestDecrement = tsp.infinite;
// intial and final position are fixed (initial/final node remains 0)
for ( uint a = 1 ; a < currSol.sequence.size() - 2 ; a++ )
int h = currSol.sequence[a-1];
int i = currSol.sequence[a];
for ( uint b = a + 1 ; b < currSol.sequence.size() - 1 ; b++ )
int j = currSol.sequence[b];
int l = currSol.sequence[b+1];
double neighDecrement = - tsp.cost[h][i] - tsp.cost[j][l] + tsp.cost[h][j] + tsp.cost[i][l] ;
if ( neighDecrement < bestDecrement )
bestDecrement = neighDecrement;
move.from = a;
move.to = b;
Basically you are looking for 3 edges to remove and then reinsert. So for example:
for ( uint a = 1 ; a < currSol.sequence.size() - 3 ; a++ )
for ( uint b = a + 1 ; b < currSol.sequence.size() - 2 ; b++ )
for ( unit c = b + 1 ; c < currSol.sequence.size() - 1 ; c++)
The trickier part is determining the new costs, since there are a few feasible reinsertions (as opposed to just one in 2-opt).