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excel Calendar and HYPERLINK

I want to make a calendar and when I click on cell (date) I want that it link me to different sheet and cell


=HYPERLINK("#"&CELL("address";Sheet2!D1);Name of the cell)

I want to combine them together.


Is it possible?


  • It should be possible, but I don't understand everything you've got going on in either forumlas. The format for a hyperlink formula is =HYPERLINK(Link_location, Link_word) so you would put the location your linking to in the first part, then you would encase your date formula in parentheses for the second part:

    =HYPERLINK("#Sheet2!D1", (Days+DATE(CalYear;MONTH($B$9);1)-WEEKDAY(DATE(CalYear;MONTH($B$9);1);(WeekStart="Monday")+1)+$A12*7-6)

    Like I said, I have no idea what you are doing in the first formula so you would have to edit that until it worked.