This is a question about how to use Compass with Grunt. Something goes wrong in the data filling step. I noticed on the console that, when I modify only a .scss file, compass fills up the same file several times (four, five or up to ten). In your opinion, what does it depend on? Here is my gruntfile.js. Thank you for your kind help.
module.exports = function (grunt) {
var _homeJs = ['contents/js/jquery.Cinema.js', 'contents/js/jquery.SkinOverlay.js'];
var _homeJsExclude = []
_homeJs.forEach(function (entry) {
_homeJsExclude.push('!' + entry)
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
concat: {
dist: {
src: ['contents/js/*.js', _homeJsExclude],
dest: 'contents/dist/js/global.js'
lib: {
src: 'contents/plugins/**/*.js',
dest: 'contents/dist/js/libs.js'
globalhome: {
files: {
'contents/dist/js/global.home.js': _homeJs
uglify: {
dist: {
src: ['<%= concat.dist.dest %>'],
dest: 'contents/dist/js/global.min.js'
globalhome_min: {
src: 'contents/dist/js/global.home.js',
dest: 'contents/dist/js/global.home.min.js'
lib: {
src: ['<%= concat.lib.dest %>'],
dest: 'contents/dist/js/libs.min.js'
compass: {
dist: {
options: {
sassDir: 'contents/sass/',
cssDir: 'contents/dist/css',
watch: true,
outputStyle: 'compressed',
linecomments: false
cssmin: {
target: {
files: [
'./contents/dist/css/ie-css/ie8/ie8.min.css': ['./contents/css/ie-css/ie8/ie8.css']
'./contents/dist/css/main.min.css': ['./contents/dist/css/main.css']
'./contents/dist/css/responsive.min.css': ['./contents/dist/css/responsive.css']
concurrent: {
target: {
tasks: ['compass', 'watch'],
options: {
logConcurrentOutput: true
watch: {
js: {
files: ['contents/js/*.js', 'contents/plugins/**/*.js'],
tasks: ['concat', 'uglify:dist', 'uglify:globalhome_min'],
options: {
reload: true
css: {
files: ['contents/sass/**/*.scss', 'contents/dist/css/'],
tasks: ['concurrent:target'],
options: {
reload: true
grunt.registerTask('default', ['concat', 'uglify', 'cssmin']);
You've got a couple problems here... First, you're watch
ing your sass files in the compass
task already, there is no need to monitor them with an explicit watch
task. Additionally, your concurrent
task is set to run watch
again once the sass files change.
This is the logic flow you have set up right now:
, it waits for sass OR compiled css files to changewatch
executes concurrent
, which in turn executes compass
, then another instance of watch
task compiles your css, which causes the watch
task to detect the changes and run the concurrent
task again.So, instead of what you have now, just use this (simplified) config:
// ...
compass: {
dist: {
options: {
sassDir: 'contents/sass/',
cssDir: 'contents/dist/css',
// *** remove this option
// watch: true,
outputStyle: 'compressed',
linecomments: false
// ...
// *** remove this whole task, in the current config you do not need it
concurrent: {
target: {
tasks: ['compass', 'watch'],
options: {
logConcurrentOutput: true
watch: {
// ...
css: {
// *** only watch the source files, not the output
files: ['contents/sass/**/*.scss'],
// *** run the `compass` task directly
tasks: ['compass'],
options: {
reload: true
The you kick the whole thing off with:
~/my-project$ grunt watch
Or if you want to run compass first, then watch for changes:
~/my-project$ grunt compass watch