I have a postgres table creating with the following SQL:
CREATE TABLE mytable (
mytable_char VARCHAR(8) NOT NULL
This creates the table as well as an implicit mytable_mytable_id_seq
Now, after creating 1.000.000 records, I want to split this table into partitioned tables (using inheritance). Because I link refer to the main table from other tables, I want to keep using the IDs from the original table in the new child tables and keep using the sequence.
However, if I do DROP TABLE mytable
it also deletes the sequence. How can I keep the sequence when dropping the table?
You need to first remove the association between the column and the sequence:
alter sequence mytable_mytable_id_seq owned by none;
If you now drop the table, the sequence will not be dropped.
Details are in the manual: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/sql-altersequence.html
An alternative is to create a new sequence and set that to the value of the existing sequence:
create sequence part_seq;
select setval('part_seq', (select nextval('mytable_mytable_id_seq'), false);