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PostgreSQL 9.3: Return strings from function

I have the following function called as pro(). From which I want to return the strings by union all of two select statements and product output.

Function: pro()

My try:

create or replace function pro()
returns varchar as


    sql varchar;
    q varchar;
    sql := 'SELECT DISTINCT  CAST(COUNT(ProductNumber) as varchar) ||'' - Count of the product Number '' as Descp
        FROM product
        UNION ALL
        SELECT DISTINCT CAST(COUNT(ProductName) AS varchar) || '' - Count of the product Name '' as Descp
        FROM product';

    raise info '%',sql;

    execute sql into q;

    return q;


language plpgsql;

Calling Function:

select pro();

This returning only the first part of select statement:

|pro                                   |
|character varying                     |
|6 - Count of the product Number       |

But the expected result should be:

|pro                                   |
|character varying                     |
|6 - Count of the product Number       |
|6 - Count of the product Name         |


  • Try use these functions :

    using plpgsql

    create or replace function pro1()returns 
    table ( 
           descp text
        return QUERY execute (
             'SELECT DISTINCT  CAST(COUNT(product) as varchar) ||'' - Count of the product Number '' as Descp
             FROM product
             UNION ALL
             SELECT DISTINCT CAST(COUNT(productid) AS varchar) || '' - Count of the product Name '' as Descp
             FROM product');
    language plpgsql;


    using sql

    create or replace function pro2() returns table  ( descp text) 
      SELECT DISTINCT  CAST(COUNT(product) as varchar) ||' - Count of the product Number ' as Descp
      FROM product
        UNION ALL
      SELECT DISTINCT CAST(COUNT(productid) AS varchar) || ' - Count of the product Name 'as Descp
      FROM product;
    language sql;