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How to set-up the sbt-proguard plugin in Build.scala

I want to use the sbt-proguard plugin in my project, but I need to set it up in a Build.scala file.

I read the documentation but there is just an example for the build.sbt file, which won't work in my case. I need to know how to configure the plugin for my Build.scala file.

Here's the link to the repo:

FYI: I'm using scala.version=2.11.4 and sbt.version=0.13.5


  • (Note: sbt currently recommends multi-project build.sbt instead of build.scala.)

    Some of the sbt plugins use scripted to test itself, which sets up fake builds under src/sbt-test. If you find one it could contain nice samples on how to set up the plugin.

    sbt-proguard created a sample called akka supposedly used by Akka project.

    import sbt._
    import sbt.Keys._
    import com.typesafe.sbt.SbtProguard._
    object SampleBuild extends Build {
      import ProguardKeys.{ mergeStrategies, merge, options }
      import ProguardOptions.keepMain
      import ProguardMerge.append
      lazy val proguardAkka = Project(
        id = "proguard-akka",
        base = file("."),
        settings = Defaults.defaultSettings ++ proguardSettings ++ Seq(
          scalaVersion := "2.10.1",
          libraryDependencies += "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-remote" % "2.1.2",
          merge in Proguard := true,
          mergeStrategies in Proguard += append("reference.conf"),
          options in Proguard += keepMain("A"),
          options in Proguard += keepMain("B"),
          options in Proguard += "-dontoptimize", // reduce time for proguard
          options in Proguard += ProguardConf.akka
    object ProguardConf {
      val akka = ....