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How to vote for a heading in org-mode?

I have thousands of headings in org-mode agenda files and use this structure for a long time. I want to set up org-mode so that it has a voting system. I press a hotkey, org-mode adds +1 to a heading and then I can filter the headings by the number of votes.

Upd. I have to clarify the question. I can see how this can be done:

* heading
  :VOTES:    5

1) property drawers are searchable, so I can use the comparison operators for filtering, e.g. VOTES>4.

2) I can use the propertу API for increasing and decreasing the counter.


  • Here is the solution. I add + to a speed command in org-mode. You could also bind this to some key.

    (defun plusone ()
      "Increase the VOTES property in an org-heading by one. Create
    the property if needed."
       (format "%s" (+ 1 (string-to-number
                   (org-entry-get (point) "VOTES")
    (add-to-list 'org-speed-commands-user '("+" . (plusone)))