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Is it possible to name variables throughout an org mode document and then calculate it somewhere without using tables?

I would like to set variables scattered throughout a document and then total them at some place in the document.

For example,

#+NAME: apples 10

And then I have some

#+NAME: pears 5

And a some point later

Total: $apples + $pears

Result: 15


  • You could define the variables inline using elisp (or any other language, eg. src_emacs-lisp{...}).

    For example,

    I have src_emacs-lisp{(setq apples 10)} apples.
    and src_emacs-lisp{(setq pears 5)} pears.
    for a total of: src_emacs-lisp{(+ apples pears)} fruits.

    Alternatively, using named blocks like you're example, the values could be defined in source blocks and summed later in another block or inline. This seems like a bit more work - I'm not sure how to define the name/value inline without the source block.

    #+NAME: apples
    #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :var apples=10 :results none
    #+NAME: pears
    #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :var pears=5 :results none
    Total = src_emacs-lisp{(+ apples pears)}