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Indexed properties in Scala?

There is the _= syntax for basic properties. Which are roughly Java's equivalents for the getters and setters. But is there also something comparable to Java's indexed properties ?

I'd like to make people's life easier to allow something like this:


titles.title(1) = "title of 1"  // returns nothing


titles.title(1) // returns "title of 1"

Is that possible with Scala ?

UPDATE: Example code

class Foo {
  val title = new IndexedProperty[Int, String]

class IndexedProperty[A, B] {
  var map = Map.empty[A, B]

  def apply(key: A): Option[B] = map.get(key)

  def update(key: A, value: Option[B]): Unit = {
    value match {
      case Some(v) => map += (key -> v)
      case None if map.contains(key) => map -= key
      case _ =>

val foo = new Foo
foo.title(1) = Some("Title of 1")
println(a.title(1)) // yields Some("Title of 1")
println(a.title(2)) // yields None


  • Something like this maybe:

    object titles {
      object title {
        def apply(i: Int) = "apply " + i
        def update(i:Int, s: String) = "update " + i + " = " + s

    Works the same way for classes as for objects.