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How to define clock input in Xilinx

Hey, I have almost no experience with Xilinx. I have a group project for a Digital Logic course that is due soon, where my partner, who was supposed to take care of the Xilinx simulations decided to bail on me. So here I am trying to figure it out last minute.

I have designed a synchronous counter using a few JK Flip Flops and I need to define the CLK input for the FJKCs.

I have drawn up the correct schematic, but I cannot figure out how to define a clock input.

Any help appreciated, and yes, this is homework. I just can't find any basic xilinx documentation/tutorials online and I honestly don't have time to learn the whole IDE.

I'm using VHDL


  • Check out this example.

    library IEEE;
    use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
    use IEEE.numeric_std.all;    -- for the unsigned type
    entity counter_example is
    generic ( WIDTH : integer := 32);
    port (
      CLK, RESET, LOAD : in std_logic;
      DATA : in  unsigned(WIDTH-1 downto 0);  
      Q    : out unsigned(WIDTH-1 downto 0));
    end entity counter_example;
    architecture counter_example_a of counter_example is
    signal cnt : unsigned(WIDTH-1 downto 0);
      process(RESET, CLK) is
        if RESET = '1' then
          cnt <= (others => '0');
        elsif rising_edge(CLK) then
          if LOAD = '1' then
            cnt <= DATA;
            cnt <= cnt + 1;
          end if;
        end if;
      end process;
      Q <= cnt;
    end architecture counter_example_a;
