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How to analyse sentiment of a news article using AlchemyAPI?

I want to analyse sentiment of a news article (input: text not URL) using AlchemyAPI. Please suggest me how Can I do that.

I tried with demo but it provides sentiment for each entities separately, not for the whole article text.

Thanks for help.


  • You can get the sentiment for the whole document in the demo, (see screenshot):

    enter image description here

    If you want to do it programatically, the API call you are looking for is TextGetTextSentiment. You should first register for a free API key. Then to get the sentiment of the text "my great text", go to the following URL:<YOUR_API_KEY>&sentiment=1&showSourceText=1&text=my%20great%20text

    As you see the text is url encoded at the end. For more details take a look at the documentation of TextGetTextSentiment.