Search code examples

Combing Search Terms in gtrendsR package?

Within R, I am using the package gtrendsR. On the web version of google trends, one can "combine" search terms by putting plus signs between them as follows: enter image description here

I believe this effectively makes the search term apple+orange a kind of sum of both of these search terms. I know one could write multiple separate search terms within gtrendsR, such as gtrends(c("apple", "orange"), but this is not what I want to do.

Is there any way to perform the same operation shown in the picture (apple+orange) with the gtrendsR package? I have been unable to figure out how to do this.


  • What have you tried?

    > library(gtrendsR)
    > res <- gtrends("apple+orange")
    > plot(res)

    yields pretty much your answer (modulo different time resolution which you can adjust).

    enter image description here