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How to implement the language automatically in detect sentiment in azure text analytics in a logic app?

I've created a logic app which detects the language of a text and then the sentiment with cognitive services. I want to change the language parameter to the actual language which is detected. I've tried the following and much other stuff but it doesn't work out for me.enter image description here Can anyone suggest me a solution? (The text is German but when I run it it says: "Supplied language not supported. Pass in one of: ar,da,de,el,en,es,fi,fr,it,ja,nl,no,pl,pt-PT,ru,sv,tr,zh-Hans") For a copy:

Hallo E-Bike Team, ich habe ein Problem mit meinem E-Bike. Es ist das Model ProRide2E. Seit heute Morgen steht auf dem Display folgender Hinweis: „Akkuleistung beeinträchtigt. Fehlercode: XB1200AB“ Das darf doch wohl nicht wahr sein. Ich bin echt sauer. Wieso ist das doofe Bike immer kaputt?

Ein genervter Kunde



  • I added dynamic content instead of the @('Detect_Language')?['iso6391Name']. The dynamic content was Language Code. That created a for each loop. In the response I didnt output score as usual I added a expression (body('Detect_Sentiment')[0]?['score']) That worked out!