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What happened in rasterizer stage?

I want to use Direct3D 11 to blend several images that from multi-view into one texture, so i do multiple projection at Vertex Shader stage and Geometry Shader stage, one of the projection's result stored in SV_Position, others stored in POSITION0, POSITION1 and so on. These positions would be used to sample the image.

Then at the Pixel shader stage, the value in SV_Position is typical like a (307.5,87.5), because it's in screen space. as the size of render target is 500x500, so the uv for sample is (0.615,0.0.175), it's correct. but value in POSITION0 would be like a (0.1312, 0.370), it's vertical reversed with offset. i have to do (0.5 + x, 0.5 - y). the projection is twisted and just roughly matched.

What do the rasterizer stage do on SV_Position?


  • The rasterizer stage expects the coordinates in SV_Position to be normalized device coordinates. In this space X and Y values between -1.0 and +1.0 cover the whole output target, with Y going "up". That way you do not have to care about the exact output resolution in the shaders.

    So as you realized, before a pixel is written to the target another transformation is performed. One that inverts the Y axis, scales X and Y and moves the origin to the top left corner.

    In Direct3D11 the parameters for this transformation can be controlled through the ID3D11DeviceContext::RSSetViewports method.

    If you need pixel coordinates in the pixel shader you have to do the transformation yourself. For accessing the output resolution in the shader bind them as shader-constants, for example.