Search code examples

How bootstrap.widgets.TbGridView pagination can be changed as the image pasted below?

My widget is:-

        'type'=>'striped bordered condensed',
                        'url'=>'Yii::app()->createUrl("/meetings/view", array("id"=>$data["id"]))',

And I need this type of pagination for this widget.

enter image description here

Please help me if you have any ideas.


  • Create a php file CustomPager.php and put it into components folder

    class CustomPager extends CLinkPager {
         * @var string the text shown before page buttons. Defaults to ''.
        public $header = '';
         * @var string the URL of the CSS file used by this pager.
         * Defaults to false, meaning that no CSS will be included.
        public $cssFile = false;
         * @var boolean whether to display the first and last items.
        public $displayFirstAndLast = false;
         * Initializes the pager by setting some default property values.
        public function init() {
            if ($this->nextPageLabel === null)
                $this->nextPageLabel = Yii::t('bootstrap', 'Next') . ' &rarr;';
            if ($this->prevPageLabel === null)
                $this->prevPageLabel = '&larr; ' . Yii::t('bootstrap', 'Previous');
            if ($this->firstPageLabel === null)
                $this->firstPageLabel = Yii::t('bootstrap', 'First');
            if ($this->lastPageLabel === null)
                $this->lastPageLabel = Yii::t('bootstrap', 'Last');
            if (!isset($this->htmlOptions['class']))
                $this->htmlOptions['class'] = ''; // would default to yiiPager
         * Creates the page buttons.
         * @return array a list of page buttons (in HTML code).
        protected function createPageButtons() {
            $totalpages = $this->getPageCount();
            if (($pageCount = $this->getPageCount()) <= 1)
                return array();
            list ($beginPage, $endPage) = $this->getPageRange();
            $currentPage = $this->getCurrentPage(false); // currentPage is calculated in getPageRange()
            $buttons = array();
            * first page
            if ($this->displayFirstAndLast)
                $buttons[] = $this->createPageButton($this->firstPageLabel, 0, 'first', $currentPage <= 0, false);
            * previous page
            if (($page = $currentPage - 1) < 0)
                $page = 0;
            $buttons[] = $this->createPageButton($this->prevPageLabel, $page, 'previous', $currentPage <= 0, false);
            * internal page
            $buttons[] = '<li class=""><a herf="">Current Page: '.($currentPage+1).' of ' .  $totalpages .' </a><li>';
            * next page
            if (($page = $currentPage + 1) >= $pageCount - 1)
                $page = $pageCount - 1;
            $buttons[] = $this->createPageButton($this->nextPageLabel, $page, 'next', $currentPage >= ($pageCount - 1), false);
            * last page
            if ($this->displayFirstAndLast)
                $buttons[] = $this->createPageButton($this->lastPageLabel, $pageCount - 1, 'last', $currentPage >= ($pageCount - 1), false);
            return $buttons;
         * Creates a page button.
         * You may override this method to customize the page buttons.
         * @param string $label the text label for the button
         * @param integer $page the page number
         * @param string $class the CSS class for the page button. This could be 'page', 'first', 'last', 'next' or 'previous'.
         * @param boolean $hidden whether this page button is visible
         * @param boolean $selected whether this page button is selected
         * @return string the generated button
        protected function createPageButton($label, $page, $class, $hidden, $selected) {
            if ($hidden || $selected)
                $class .= ' ' . ($hidden ? 'disabled' : 'active');
            return CHtml::tag('li', array('class' => $class), CHtml::link($label, $this->createPageUrl($page)));

    and call class from widget grid view
