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client side validation not working for model window / ajax-loaded-form in yii

I am using Yii-user extension in the main layout i have a sign up link which is common to all the Cmenu

view/main layout

  echo CHtml::link('Signup','#',array('id'=>'regi'));


url:'<?php echo Yii::app()->request->baseUrl;?>/index.php/user/registration',

  <div id="dispdata"><div>

**yii user extension **renders this perfectly and even submit its correctly if form values a re valid.

but if the values are incorrect and blank it redirect to url .../user/registration

which is not what my need .I need guidance what do i do such that if the values are incorrect or blank it should not redirect and display the errors in model window.

I did tried but hardly could get the satisfied results

if i place the following the model window itself doesnt appear what do i do

module registrationController i placed

    ....//some code here  (**in yiiuser register controller**)
    if ($model->save()) {
        echo CJSON::encode(array(


     ....//some code here...

          Yii::app()->clientScript->scriptMap['jquery.js'] = false;

in module view registration

       <?php echo   CHtml::ajaxSubmitButton(Yii::t('registration'),CHtml::normalizeUrl(array('user/registration','render'=>false)),array('dataType'=>'json',
        'success'=>'function(data) {
            if(data != null && data.status == "success") {


        }')); ?>

can anyone please guide me am working past 10 ten days tried every hook or crook method but could not obtain the can the model window with client side validation be done appear..... Please guide me or let me know something better can be done

rules in registration model

   if (!(isset($_POST['ajax']) && $_POST['ajax']==='registration-form')) {
        array_push($rules,array('verifyCode', 'captcha',      'allowEmpty'=>!UserModule::doCaptcha('registration')));

as well was not with attributes for reqired field

have changed to

  array_push($rules,array('verifyCode', 'captcha','message' => UserModule::t("captcha cannot be blank.")));

and added the verifycode to required field

yet not working,


  • The simple way is using render method in your Ajax action and creating empty layout for this action. If you do so, validation scripts will be included in the server response. Also you need to exclude jquery.js and other script with Yii::app()->clientScript->scriptMap and include them in main layout always.