Search code examples

Get all selected items - <mx:CheckBox

Here is my dataGrid: How can I get all the selected values of check

<mx:DataGrid id="dg"
             dataProvider="{listOfItems}" verticalAlign="middle" rowHeight="20" rowCount="30"
              selectable="true" verticalScrollPolicy="on" >
    <mx:columns >
        <mx:DataGridColumn id="col1"                                   
                           headerText="Item Name">
                    <mx:CheckBox label="{data.vlaue}" paddingLeft="5" />


I have a button below that:

<mx:Button x="25"  label="Get Selected Items" width="100" click="getSelItems()" cornerRadius="7" fontSize="12" id="itmSel" />

I could find some ways to get the individually selected row by setting change="" method, but how to get all the selected items.


  • One simple solution I found so far is, to iterate my dataprovider checking, if the item is selected or not.

    And here you go!

     var tmpList:ArrayCollection = ArrayCollection(dg.dataProvider);                
     var obj:Object;
     for (var i:int=0; i < tmpList.length; i++)
         if (tmpList[i].Selected == true)
         //Added to my array collection.