I have the following code:
module Lexer (lexer) where
import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.Token
import Text.Parsec.Language
opChars = "<>+=*-/!:"
def = emptyDef {
commentStart = "/*"
, commentEnd = "*/"
, identStart = letter
, identLetter = alphaNum
, opStart = oneOf opChars
, opLetter = oneOf opChars
, reservedOpNames = ["+", "-", "*", "!=", "==", ":=", "<", "<=", ">", ">="]
, reservedNames = ["and", "not", "or", "p_", "when", "output", "of"]
lexer = makeTokenParser def
However, when I try to import this file in ghci
, I get the following error:
Prelude> :l Lexer.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Lexer ( Lexer.hs, interpreted )
No instance for (Stream s0 m0 Char) arising from a use of `letter'
The type variables `s0', `m0' are ambiguous
Relevant bindings include
def :: GenLanguageDef s0 u m0 (bound at Lexer.hs:8:1)
Note: there are several potential instances:
instance Monad m =>
Stream Data.ByteString.Internal.ByteString m Char
-- Defined in `Text.Parsec.Prim'
instance Monad m =>
Stream Data.ByteString.Lazy.Internal.ByteString m Char
-- Defined in `Text.Parsec.Prim'
instance Monad m => Stream Data.Text.Internal.Lazy.Text m Char
-- Defined in `Text.Parsec.Prim'
...plus two others
In the `identStart' field of a record
In the expression:
{commentStart = "/*", commentEnd = "*/", identStart = letter,
identLetter = alphaNum, opStart = oneOf opChars,
opLetter = oneOf opChars, reservedOpNames = ["+", "-", "*", ....],
reservedNames = ["and", "not", "or", ....]}
In an equation for `def':
= emptyDef
{commentStart = "/*", commentEnd = "*/", identStart = letter,
identLetter = alphaNum, opStart = oneOf opChars,
opLetter = oneOf opChars, reservedOpNames = ["+", "-", ....],
reservedNames = ["and", "not", ....]}
Note that this only happened after splitting apart the file; I previously had some code that consumed "lexer" in the same module, and then separated it out.
What type annotations do I need to provide in order for this to work?
The solution is to annotate: def :: LanguageDef st
. That will fix s0
to String
and m0
to Identity
Here's a... loose explanation.
Let's pick through the types from the outside in. (That's not necessarily how inference works, but we usually have or can get the types of top-level bindings.) The inferred type for def
is noted in the error message: GenLanguageDef s0 u m0
. Looking at the definition of GenLanguageDef
, the inferred type of identStart
is therefore ParsecT s0 u m0 Char
has type Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Char
. Unifying that with the type of identStart
, we get the constraint Stream s0 m0 Char
that needs to be satisfied somehow.
The monomorphism restriction prohibits the compiler from simply floating the inferred constraint out to the type of def
. With the restriction disabled, def
has the inferred type Stream s0 m0 Char => GenLanguageDef s0 u m0
. The consumer may fix the type variables, as you did in your previous one-file solution.
Alternately, providing the concrete signature I suggested simply fixes the variables s0
and m0
. Now the compiler can satisfy the class constraint directly, since it knows Identity
is a Monad
and that there's an instance Monad m => Stream String m Char
(You would think that, because emptyDef
has type LanguageDef st
, which translates to GenLanguageDef String st Identity
, def
would have that type. Ah, but you're using record update syntax, which allows the type variables to change.)