I m using a Dataform that is binded to a entity on my view model, for one field i need to create a combobox of items , i create it and bind it ok using this code on the autogenerating event:
ComboBox makes = new ComboBox();
Binding selectedItem = new Binding("conc_claimtype")
ValidatesOnExceptions = true,
ValidatesOnDataErrors = true,
ValidatesOnNotifyDataErrors = true,
NotifyOnValidationError= true,
Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay
makes.SetBinding(ComboBox.SelectedItemProperty, selectedItem);
DataField makesField = new DataField { Content = makes, Label = e.Field.Label };
e.Field = makesField;
e.Cancel = false;
I m trying to figure how i can make the popup appear in the combobox when the field is required and show the error message as the regular textbox does, if u set it to required and didn't select, it gives the validation error because i can see it on the ValidationSummary, but it dosen't schow the display label, only the error message, i think it maybe a bug with it.
what i really need it's to show that field is required with that popup like the textbox, i think i have to get some kind of style to the combobox to show validation erros right? where can i find this syle?
I solved it making a small hack , i add a validation rule on the metadata of the domaincontext where i said the value coulnd't be a empty string, then i add a converter to the binding in the combobox, and when it is null i convertback to a emptystring and that way i got the validation working adn popup with the error message apear on the combobox.
I can post some code here if anyone needs to solve this issue.
My first question on stackoverflow, and i answer it myself ;) lol