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Silverlight server-side data paging using REST?

Can anyone point me to the most efficient, or at this point, any way to do server side paging in Silverlight using an MVC RESTful API layer?

I have a very large overhead call that can hypothetically return thousands upon thousands of complex objects which in turn can contain dozens of complex objects themselves. I want to limit this to 10 per call using paging.

I'm looking at the Silverlight DataPager and although you can use RIA services for server-side paging, I'm not sure how, if at all, you could incorporate a REST API call.

I was going the route of simply modifying my API call myself to accept a start point and count of records to return, but although this works on the API/server-side, the Silverlight's DataPager "PageCount" and other items are read-only and I cannot manually set those knowing my dataset count.

Would the only remedy be to continue the way I'm going but create my own UserControl and override that read-only functionality in some way?


  • I simply had our UX designer create a new paging UI control that I manually manage myself and use my own paging REST API.