Ok, so the asynchronous behavior of the loader is what is throwing me off. Here's what I have:
for( i = 0; i < 37; i++ ){
partLoader.load( "parts/" + filename[i], function ( geometry ) {
var partMesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, basicMat );
partMesh.position.y = yPos;
partMesh.position.x = xPos;
rayCastScene.add( partMesh );
Originally I was setting bodyPart[i] = partMesh
but by the time the callback ran i = 36 and all of them just overwrote each other in the last element. Pushing them at least gets them all in the array, but I have no idea which index goes with which element anymore.
I'm using this with raytracing to identify a particular object.if(SELECTED == bodyPart[i]) ...
Similar problem here, but no solution: THREE.JS loading an array of STL Meshes
Actualy this is not about Three.js, problem in logic, simple example:
(function request(){
url: "your path",
data: "your data",
timeout: "max respones time from the server in milliseconds"
//do something with response
request(); //call request function again
you can create simple counter to control how much times this function will runs